All Courses

Time Management
Learn how to focus on the tasks with the greatest impact to you as well as your organization by understanding the crucial strategies including personal motivation, delegation skills, organization tools, and crisis management.
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Appreciative Inquiry
Learn the shift from looking at problems and deficiencies and instead focusing on strengths and successes. It is a tool for change, and it will strengthen relationships throughout your business.
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Customer Service
Build a strong skill set including in-person and over the phone techniques, dealing with difficult customers, and generating return business.
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Critical Thinking
Be a more rational and disciplined thinker. Learn the skills to evaluate, identify, and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information to get an incredible boost in performance.
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Teamwork and Team Building
Explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that they can become a top-notch team performer. Understand what makes up a team and what factors into being a successful team and team member.
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Digital Citizenship
Learn how to connect, collaborate, and share by using technology appropriately. Being a good digital citizen means you have a set of skills to work in the digital world.
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Mobile Learning
Learn the importance and usefulness of mLearning in any organization. By absorbing the ins and outs of utilizing mLearning, you will possess the skills needed to take advantage of this new technology, in order to educate employees and clients more efficiently.
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Emotional Intelligence
Gain a better understanding of self-management and self-awareness which will give you a better insight and control over your actions and emotions.
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Business Acumen
Business acumen is all about seeing the big picture and recognizing that all decisions no matter how small can have an effect on the bottom line. Increase financial literacy and improve business sense.
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Interpersonal Skills
Learn the skills needed in starting a conversation, moving a conversation along, and progressing to higher levels of conversation. Course covers communication skills, negotiation techniques, tips on making an impact, and advice on networking and starting conversations.
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Being an entrepreneur can be full of risks. These risks are minimized through drafting a business plan, knowing your competition, and successful marketing
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The Cloud and Business
Understand the cloud and how it operates as well as the potential dangers and pitfalls associated with cloud computing. Discover the specifics of how the cloud can be a useful business tool to make the best decisions for your customers and business.
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Project Management
Understand entire project management process as well as key project management tools to work with project planning documents, such as needs assessments, risk management plan, and communication plan, etc
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Assertiveness And Self-Confidence
Understand what assertiveness and self-confidence each mean and how to develop those feelings in day-to-day lives. These skills will provide opportunities and benefits in both professional and personal lives.
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Women in Leadership
Understand leadership gap, vital leadership traits and how to overcome various barriers. Learn how women are changing the workforce and gain a new perspective on the workforce, and what benefits can come from hiring and promoting women to higher positions.
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Creative Problem Solving
Learn creative problem solving process as well as key problem solving tools that you can use every day. Skills such as brainstorming, information gathering, analyzing data, and identifying resources will be covered throughout this course.
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Being A Likeable Boss
Being likeable and a figure of authority is where many challenging conflicts can arise. Recognize these possible areas of conflict and develop the skills and knowledge to overcome them.
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Job Search Skills
Searching for a job can be intimidating. Identifying the purpose for working and the assessment of skills can help determine the types of jobs you should apply for.
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Public Speaking
Learn the basic public speaking skills, including in-depth information on developing an engaging program and delivering presentations with power.
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Communication Strategies
Understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them. These strategies will provide a great benefit for any organization and its employees.
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Personal Branding
Branding is a mix of how you present yourself
and how others see you. It is important to be aware of how you are viewed.
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Life Coaching Essentials
Discover the meaning of life coaching and how life coaching services can be utilized to improve a person’s professional and personal life to achieve their goals.
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Change Management
Change is a constant in many of our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives.
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Developing Creativity
Children have an innate creative ability when they are born, but for some reason adults can lose it along the way. Your participants will move out of the mundane, be more curious, engage, and explore new ideas.
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Negotiation Skills
Although people often think of boardrooms, suits, and million dollar deals when they hear the word negotiation, the truth is that we negotiate all the time.
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Telework and Telecommuting
Working in a home office requires a unique set of skills. Teleworkers or virtual employees have additional challenges created by not being in a centralized office
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Ten Soft Skills You Need
The meaning of Soft Skills can sometimes be difficult to describe. It can be that unique attribute or characteristic that facilitates great communication.
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Customer Support
<p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"></span></p><p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">With our “Non-Telephone Customer Support”</span><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> </span><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">workshop, participants will discover the new opportunities in
customer support services via the internet, but also how to use these opportunities
to their advantage.</span></p><br />
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Adult Learner: Mental Skills
<p><br /></p><p>Bloom’s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well</p>
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Adult Learner: Physical Skills
<p>Bloom’s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. <br /></p>
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Anger Management Skills
<p>Benjamin Franklin once said, 'In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.' We would add a third item to his list: anger. <br /></p>
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Attention Management Skills
<p>A distracted employee is a less effective employee. Employees who do not pay attention to their work can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes<br /></p>
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Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
<p>Goal Setting is one of the most basic and essential skills someone can develop. What makes a good goal? We touch on goal characteristics, time management, making a to do list, and what to do when setbacks occur. <br /></p>
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Managing Personal Finances
<p>There are millions of American citizens struggling with debt.  A lot of debt can be alleviated if you have the right tools<br /></p>
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Increasing Self Awareness
<p>Self awareness is an important part of everyday life. It transfers over to your personal, social, physical and work life<br /></p>
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Improving Mindfulness
<p>Mindfulness is a term that is frequently used but rarely defined. Practicing true mindfulness encourages living in the present while it addresses the danger of distorted thinking...<br /></p>
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Increasing Your Happiness
<p>Increasing ones happiness can be done through the power of positive thinking. That is one skill that this work shop will touch on to teach your participants how to be happier. <br /></p>
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Managing Workplace Anxiety
<p>The workplace is one of the leading locations where people experience stress and anxiety. Every employee will encounter it sometime during their career. <br /></p>
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Personal Productivity
Most people find that they wish they had more time in a day. This workshop will show participants how to organize their lives and find those hidden moments
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Seeing and Taking Initiative
<p>Taking the initiative is a crucial step in moving forward in our professional and personal lives. By showing initiative, it reflects us in a positive light to others as well as builds our own self-esteem<br /></p>
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Social Intelligence
<p>Social Intelligence is about understanding your environment and having a positive influence. Your participants will become more confident in their social situations by learning how to express and interrupt social cues. <br /></p>
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Social Learning
<p>Social Learning is an effective way to train your employees through modeling positive behaviors. <br /></p>
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Stress Management
<p>Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress<br /></p>
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Work-Life Balance
<p>Having a balance between work and home life can be a challenge. With this challenge come great rewards when it is done successfully. <br /></p>
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Civility In The Workplace
<p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">To address the growing problem of incivility in
the work setting, this workshop introduces the concept of civility, its
importance to a company, as well as its typical causes and effects. </span><br /></p>
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Business Etiquette
<p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">This course examines the basics, most
importantly to be considerate of others, dress/appearance, the workplace versus
social situations, business meetings, proper introductions and 'the handshake',
conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences affecting international
business opportunities, dealing with interruptions, and proper business email
and telephone etiquette.</span><br /></p>
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Networking - Outside the Company
<p>Networking – according to Merriam Webster is “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically:  the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business”. <br /></p>
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Business Ethics Skills
<p>A company's ethics will determine its reputation. Good business ethics are essential for the long-term success of an organization. <br /></p>
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Conflict Resolution
<p>Wherever two or more people come together, there is bound to be conflict. This course will give participants a seven-step conflict resolution process that they can use and modify to resolve conflict disputes of any size. <br /></p>
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The Power of Networking - Within the Company
<p>Networking has become a crucial part of the world today. Most people are aware of external networking and primarily focus on that. <br /></p>
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Respect in the Workplace
<p>A respectful work environment is essential to the overall success of your team, as well as contribution to a stronger work reputation<br /></p>
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Safety In The Workplace
<p>Workplace safety is the responsibility of everyone in an organization. Companies have legal obligations to meet certain safety requirements, but many go further than the minimum obligations. <br /></p>
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Cyber Security
<p>Every organization is responsible for ensuring cybersecurity. The ability to protect its information systems from impairment or even theft is essential to success. <br /></p>
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Delivering Constructive Criticism
<p>Delivering Constructive Criticism is one of the most challenging things for anyone. Through this workshop your participants will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will assist them with this challenging task<br /></p>
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Developing Corporate Behavior
<p>With this workshop your participants will be able to develop a business environment that reflects a positive set of values and ethics<br /></p>
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Handling a Challenging Customer
<p>Customer service is a necessary position in the job world today.  It helps companies give customers what they want and what they need. <br /></p>
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Risk Assessment and Management
<p>It is not possible to control or manage 100% of risk, but knowing what do before, during, and after an event will mitigate the damage and harm. <br /></p>
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Team Building For Managers
<p>Team building is an important part of the work experience. It is not only applicable to your work life, but also transfers over to your personal and social life<br /></p>
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Emotional Intelligence at Work
<p>What does the phrase “emotional intelligence in the workplace” encompass?  There are five main areas of focus that are included in most studies:</p><p><br /></p>
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Trust Building and Resiliency
<p>Ensuring that relationships are built on trust is important for every organization. Trust is not just something you say, it’s something you do and build<br /></p>
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Responsibility in the Workplace
<p>One of the most
critical traits to look for in an employee is responsibility. Responsible employees drive the
success of an organization, whether for profit or not for profit.
This workshop will introduce to you the ideas of responsibility and the traits that define a
responsible employee.<br /></p>
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Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box Workshop
<p></p><p><span lang="en-ca" xml:lang="en-ca">Creativity allows individuals to view every aspect on earth, explore new
paths, and find new discoveries that help to advance our consistently thriving
world of business. Without creativity, we would only see what is visible to the
eye. To evolve as a business, it is critical to look beyond what is visible and
consider new ideas.</span></p><br /><p></p>
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