All Courses

Appreciative Inquiry
Learn the shift from looking at problems and deficiencies and instead focusing on strengths and successes. It is a tool for change, and it will strengthen relationships throughout your business.
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Customer Service
Build a strong skill set including in-person and over the phone techniques, dealing with difficult customers, and generating return business.
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Human Resource Management
Learn the basic tools to handle numerous human resource situations such as interviewing, orientation, safety, harassment, discrimination, violence, discipline, and termination. 
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Learn to deliver engaging and compelling workshops.Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you always want to be prepared.
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Teamwork and Team Building
Explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that they can become a top-notch team performer. Understand what makes up a team and what factors into being a successful team and team member.
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Health and Wellness at Work
Create a “Culture of Wellness” within your organization. Health and Wellness is the responsibility of everyone in an organization so take the positive step and create a program within your organization.
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Business Acumen
Business acumen is all about seeing the big picture and recognizing that all decisions no matter how small can have an effect on the bottom line. Increase financial literacy and improve business sense.
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Crisis Management
Understand that a crisis can occur any time and develop those skills needed for certain negative events. Learn how to recognize warning signs to help avoid negative situations completely, or, if the situation occurs, better manage the crisis.
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Employee Recruitment
Hiring a new employee is one of the largest investments you make in any business. Learn how to interview and recruit the right employee for you with a great employee recruitment program!
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Change Management
Change is a constant in many of our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives.
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Employee Termination Processes
Having to fire an employee is never an easy task.  Sometimes, despite attempts of open communication and encouraging performance, an employee will need to be terminated from the company. 
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Developing a Lunch and Learn
Crating a Lunch and Learn session is a low cost training option. It is a great way to introduce a topic or give a small demonstration on a new product or service.
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Diversity and Inclusion
<p>Experiencing diversity is a part of living in a civilized society. Difference does not equal a right way and a wrong way, it is variety that can lead to a common goal. <br /></p>
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Employee Onboarding
<p>Employee Onboarding is an important and vital part of any companies hiring procedure. Hiring, training, and bringing new employees on board cost a lot of money and are major investments. <br /></p>
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Contract Management
<p>It is easy to overlook the importance of contract management because it seems to be a boring, mundane topic.  Contracts, however,  are the basis of most business relationships<br /></p>
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Generation Gaps
<p>While having various cultures in one workplace can present communication problems and conflicts, the benefits of such a variety in the workplace outweigh it. <br /></p>
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Hiring Strategies
<p>Successful companies are made up of great employees, so why not hire great employees? Hiring and training employees is an expensive venture. <br /></p>
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Managing Workplace Harassment
<p>Workplace harassment.  A growing problem in America.  Oh, you may say, “not in my office,” or “not our team,” but workplace harassment is an increasing issue in the organizations today.  <br /></p>
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Measuring Results From Training
<p>Although we all know that training can have many amazing benefits, sometimes it can be hard to prove those benefits and attach a dollar value to training. <br /></p>
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Millennial Onboarding
<p>Onboarding new employees is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing their skills, knowledge, and value within the company. <br /></p>
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Office Health and Safety
<p>Productivity of a company begins with the health of its employees. While it is not always possible to eliminate sickness, with the proper tools, reducing the illness and its effects can be within your reach. <br /></p>
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Universal Safety Practices
<p>The importance of safety cannot be overstated. Every organization is responsible for the safety of employees while they are working. <br /></p>
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Customer Support
<p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"></span></p><p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">With our “Non-Telephone Customer Support”</span><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> </span><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">workshop, participants will discover the new opportunities in
customer support services via the internet, but also how to use these opportunities
to their advantage.</span></p><br />
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Talent Management
<p>Talent Management is an investment. Every company wants to have the best and brightest employees, and with Talent Management that can be achieved. <br /></p>
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Workplace Diversity
<p>With the world becoming more mobile and diverse, diversity has taken on a new importance in the workplace. . Your participants will be able to use strategies for removing barriers and stereotypes, and to encourage diversity in the workplace and even through their community. <br /></p><p><br /></p>
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Workplace Harassment
<p>Harassment can be based on a variety of factors that differ from the one doing the harassment, such as race, sex, and disability. <br /></p>
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Workplace Violence
<p>Workplace harassment is illegal and destructive to any organization. It is important to treat everyone in the workplace with respect and dignity. <br /></p>
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Business Succession Planning
<p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Whether it is preparing someone to take over a
position of leadership in a corporation, or the sole proprietor of a small
business <span>Business Succession Planning</span> will teach you the difference
between succession planning and mere replacement planning. </span><br /></p>
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Civility In The Workplace
<p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">To address the growing problem of incivility in
the work setting, this workshop introduces the concept of civility, its
importance to a company, as well as its typical causes and effects. </span><br /></p>
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Business Etiquette
<p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">This course examines the basics, most
importantly to be considerate of others, dress/appearance, the workplace versus
social situations, business meetings, proper introductions and 'the handshake',
conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences affecting international
business opportunities, dealing with interruptions, and proper business email
and telephone etiquette.</span><br /></p>
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Networking - Outside the Company
<p>Networking – according to Merriam Webster is “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically:  the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business”. <br /></p>
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Business Ethics Skills
<p>A company's ethics will determine its reputation. Good business ethics are essential for the long-term success of an organization. <br /></p>
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Conflict Resolution
<p>Wherever two or more people come together, there is bound to be conflict. This course will give participants a seven-step conflict resolution process that they can use and modify to resolve conflict disputes of any size. <br /></p>
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The Power of Networking - Within the Company
<p>Networking has become a crucial part of the world today. Most people are aware of external networking and primarily focus on that. <br /></p>
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Respect in the Workplace
<p>A respectful work environment is essential to the overall success of your team, as well as contribution to a stronger work reputation<br /></p>
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Safety In The Workplace
<p>Workplace safety is the responsibility of everyone in an organization. Companies have legal obligations to meet certain safety requirements, but many go further than the minimum obligations. <br /></p>
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Cyber Security
<p>Every organization is responsible for ensuring cybersecurity. The ability to protect its information systems from impairment or even theft is essential to success. <br /></p>
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Delivering Constructive Criticism
<p>Delivering Constructive Criticism is one of the most challenging things for anyone. Through this workshop your participants will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will assist them with this challenging task<br /></p>
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Developing Corporate Behavior
<p>With this workshop your participants will be able to develop a business environment that reflects a positive set of values and ethics<br /></p>
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Handling a Challenging Customer
<p>Customer service is a necessary position in the job world today.  It helps companies give customers what they want and what they need. <br /></p>
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Risk Assessment and Management
<p>It is not possible to control or manage 100% of risk, but knowing what do before, during, and after an event will mitigate the damage and harm. <br /></p>
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Team Building For Managers
<p>Team building is an important part of the work experience. It is not only applicable to your work life, but also transfers over to your personal and social life<br /></p>
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Sensitivity Training
<p>Sensitivity training or diversity training, there are many names for the same goal:  creating a more inclusive workplace that capitalizes on the differences in everyone.  <br /></p>
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Unconscious Bias
<p>There are two
categories of bias in studies today: 
conscious or explicit biases and unconscious or implicit biases.  Unconscious bias is usually thought of as
social stereotypes that typically focus on others that are not from the same
conscious area. <br /></p>
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Responsibility in the Workplace
<p>One of the most
critical traits to look for in an employee is responsibility. Responsible employees drive the
success of an organization, whether for profit or not for profit.
This workshop will introduce to you the ideas of responsibility and the traits that define a
responsible employee.<br /></p>
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